Alumni is a popular name of Latin origin for former students of a university, i.e. for associations of former students, which at some faculties have a hundred-year old tradition. Alumni associations are voluntary associations of former students who want to stay in touch with the organization that is the foundation of their career. Alumni associations base their activities on the idea of strengthening the sense of belonging and connection among graduates, master's students, doctoral students, former and current professors and assistants, all with the aim of communication and cooperation, as well as permanent and organized contact with the home university, i.e. faculty. This connection is realized through training and programs of lifelong learning, organizing expert meetings, publishing books and studies, promoting study programs and informing future students, celebrating anniversaries, gatherings, and exchanging information and experiences. A built sense of belonging and connection, respect and loyalty is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of alumni club activities. Social interaction, career advancement and active participation in community development are mutual and common interests of alumni clubs and institutions. The successful careers of former students and their work are followed with interest and pride, and they stand out as values in the creation of which the university has a share. On the other hand, in the biographies of successful experts, the name of the university or faculty where they studied has a prominent place, as a guarantor and recommendation of expertise and ability.
Alumni club of the Faculty of Philosophy is created from the students who completed their bachelor, master and doctoral studies. Овдје can download the registration form. Completed form can be sent on email address:
University Alumni Centre invites you to register online using this link линка.